Ambien Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment specialists will help you quit Ambien for good.
Treating addiction to a CNS depressant should be done carefully and in the way that is best for the individual patient. The NIDA states, “Patients addicted to [CNS depressants] should not attempt to stop taking them on their own.” The withdrawal symptoms caused by the abrupt cessation of chronic Ambien abuse are intense and can sometimes become very dangerous. As stated by the NLM, seizures are a rare symptom of Ambien withdrawal, but they may occur, which is why Ambien addicts must go to a detox clinic or rehab center to be treated for Ambien withdrawal.
If the symptoms are not terribly bad, the individual can attend detox treatment at an outpatient clinic. However, if the symptoms are dangerous and the person is liable to experience seizures, then treatment at an inpatient clinic might be necessary. This applies as well to the eventual Ambien addiction treatment.
A person who just goes to detox treatment and not addiction treatment as well is not usually cured of their addiction. While Ambien addicts may feel their withdrawal symptoms begin to ebb, they will still need to attend formal addiction treatment in order to learn the skills needed to fight Ambien addiction.
Choosing a Treatment Method
As stated by the NIDA, CNS depressant abuse often “occurs in conjunction with the abuse of other drugs, such as alcohol or cocaine” (NIDA 2). If this is true of your situation, inpatient care might be necessary in the event of polydrug addictions. You may also want to be in the controlled environment of an inpatient facility if:
- You have another co-occurring mental disorder like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc.
- You do not have a strong support system at home to help you through your addiction
- You experienced an extreme withdrawal reaction from Ambien
- You have a history of drug abuse
Other individuals might consider outpatient treatment if they are able to easily manage their lives in conjunction with receiving treatment. Because there are no FDA-approved drugs to treat Ambien addiction, an individual in formal addiction treatment will mostly rely on behavioral therapies for their treatment. Some of the common options are:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Contingency management
- Family and relationship therapy
- Group therapy
In Ambien addiction treatment, you will learn new ways to cope with your stressors as well as your cravings for Ambien. Ambien addiction treatment may last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, and you can always join a support group after your treatment is over in order to receive extra encouragement.
Ambien helps many people sleep who suffer from insomnia, but its abuse can easily lead to addiction. If you are addicted to Ambien, find a treatment center that best fits you to stop abusing Ambien today.